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241. But it will also be needed to pacify old adversaries, and to prevent small crises from becoming big ones. 242. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.George Orwell 243. You must try to anticipate these kinds of situations and to prevent problems before they start. 244. Obviously, avoiding exposure to allergens is the best way to prevent allergic reactions. 245. Establish an independent committee to advise on the objective presentation of health statistics and prevent their political manipulation. 246. MacArthur stated that it was imperative to prevent the dispatch of an amphibious force. 247. If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.Rabindranath Tagore 248. It is an invaluable source of information to those attempting to prevent or seeking to abate odour problems. 249. If he was all-powerful and all-good, he could prevent the suffering but didn't. 250. Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls.Anne Frank 251. The chromium and nickel are added to give shine and prevent rusting. 252. This will be appreciated by the candidate and prevent any unnecessary bad feeling that would affect the outcome. 253. It is important to grasp what it was that peace activists thought they were trying to prevent. 254. The stated aim of these programmes is to prevent suicide. 255. Properly interpreted and monitored, the quarter mill map can prevent anything from a stray into controlled airspace to a fatal accident. 256. In 1991 the state adopted an update of the Uniform Plumbing Code to prevent such a disaster from happening. 257. It will inevitably be harder to prevent similar acts of aggression in future. 258. It allows you to adjust the carburettor heat to prevent induction icing. 259. Such an order would prevent the defendants using that information for any purpose of defending an action in the Commercial Court. 260. As often as not, the government would then act against the loyalists to prevent the increase in tension. 261. The conservatory is light and airy, but remains sufficiently shaded to prevent summer temperatures of getting out of hand. 262. To prevent any such accident, the king ordered that no flax or hemp should ever come into his castle. 263. The latter alters the angle of the front roller, to prevent the best running off centre. 264. By being aware of the impact of these stresses, parents can often prevent or alleviate potential problems and anxiety. 9. 265. Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players vastly inflated salaries. 266. These tips also help prevent heat exhaustion, only several cases of which advance to potentially deadly heat stroke at the Canyon. 267. Nor does it prevent states from making symbolic political statements about international affairs. 268. Finger-printing will be introduced for asylum applicants,[/prevent.html] to prevent multiple applications and fraudulent benefit claims. 269. Even sports drinks may not contain enough electrolytes -- or the body may not absorb them well enough -- to prevent problems. 270. They have to plan and act quickly to prevent any spread to other animals or humans.