快好知 kuaihz

271. If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalists for the same reasons.C.S. Lewis 272. Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.Wayne Dyer 273. But this small orange box produced by a Thame company could help prevent such accidents in the future. 274. Oftel argues that the move to a single private agency would prevent several private companies offering rival emergency services. 275. Place tissue paper between acetate sheets for storage, to prevent scratching. 276. Caltrans officials say the project will help prevent passing-related accidents on the two-lane mountain road. 277. Try these strategies to prevent these words from ever being uttered:-First, make all rules absolutely clear! 278. Salary caps are imposed to prevent richer clubs gaining an unfair advantage over poorer rivals by offering players inflated salaries. 279. The elite nature of the scientists and their consequent alienation from many of these changes prevent them from seizing upon these opportunities. 280. State action to prevent illegal and unauthorised acts of local authorities. 281. The biological corollary of this is that blocking antibodies against ICAM-1 have been shown effectively to prevent allograft rejection. 282. The President promised to use all his powers to prevent further aggression. 283. The spousal notification requirement is thus likely to prevent a significant number of women from obtaining an abortion. 284. Assisting the anaesthetist to monitor the patient during anaesthetic and recovery to prevent complications to breathing and circulation. 285. Clearly, if care programming aims to prevent people from becoming lost to services, it needs to be fairly all-inclusive. 286. But if the operators are set against discounting it will not prevent the agencies from doing some on their own account. 287. He who does not prevent a crime when he can, encourages it.Seneca 288. A massive object containing a small quantity of C- field begins to collapse when the pressure is no longer adequate to prevent it. 289. Now safety experts are targetting hundreds of companies to prevent accidents and deaths in the workplace.