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done in造句
91. Such a move could enhance the UMass image in academia much as its basketball team has done in the sports arena. 92. Even some Right-wing opposition politicians reckoned it was the best Mr Mitterrand could have done in the circumstances. 93. The technology which has emerged from an experimental analysis should be evaluated only in comparison with what is done in other ways. 94. Common Cause said the participation of the reform-minded lawmakers would shatter their vow to change the way business is done in Washington. 95. Boat building, mainly for yachts and motor launches, is done in many small yards. 96. Some of his best work, on glaciation and on Old Red Sandstone, was done in his spare time. 97. By far the greatest amount of empirical research on democratic attitudes has been done in the United States. 98. The committee express their thanks for the work he has done in a voluntary capacity over the past months. 99. Trade interested him now, as other intelligence spheres had done in harder days. 100. It has been subtly shifting the goalposts of what can be done in and through art. 101. Our role in each of these investigations was proper, appropriate, and done in full cooperation with other agencies. 102. These extensions were all done in red brick to fit in with the original structure. 103. Machining a locomotive tire, he reported, was now done in one fifth the time. 104. His most consistent phrase was that he wants to accomplish in Washington what the governors have done in their states. 105. Other groundbreaking work was reportedly done in the areas of fault tolerance support and compiler optimisation. 106. Carlin shook Bond's hand to show his act was all done in fun. 107. Several of her early paintings were done in an expressionistic style. 108. It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.Vincent van Gogh 109. This board would receive wide delegated powers and be the sole channel through which business done in committees reached the full council. 110. But none of this alters the ethical issue and the consequent injustice done in 1985. 111. That was precisely what women had done in the past - sit back and wait for men to make the running. 112. There is no excuse for inflicting them on your fellow-citizens by saying it is done in a good cause. 113. This is done in both large factories and small workshops. 114. This must be done in the local market area because market conditions vary in the different regions of the United States. 115. This may have been done in the Middle Ages, but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards. 116. Some of the most daring work was being done in that no-man's-land between painting and photography. 117. It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent, not if done simply to gain access. 118. The postmortem was done in the pathology department of the Perth hospital. 119. During the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the need to fix the programs and said it should be done in a bipartisan way. 120. This is often best done in conjunction with those who are going to be on the receiving end of an appraisal interview.