快好知 kuaihz

free from造句
61, Many researchers have tried to obtain a medium for growing antibodies that is free from calf serum. 62, Neither were judicial and court officials free from the taint of corruption. 63, Moreover, Hilbert intended that it would be possible to prove that the scheme was free from contradiction. 64, They were free from all boredom and all responsibility; until they reached Saturn, the external world did not exist. 65, But today she walked free from the High Court in Edinburgh after being given community service. 66, Soloist Annette Servadei played beautifully with an involvement entirely free from any kind of ostentation. 67, To keep metal garbage cans free from corrosion, coat them lightly with used motor oil. 68, A man and a woman were cut free from the Honda, but the woman has since died. 69, The man found in possession of her stolen cheque book and card has been allowed to walk free from court. 70, Without you white birds would wrench themselves free from my paintings and fly off dripping blood into the night. 71, Mubarak's initiative for a Middle East free from nuclear, chemical and biological weapons was also welcomed. 72, It is important to store pressed material flat, away from direct sunlight and as free from dust as possible. 73, I could see a noose had been thrown round my neck I'd maybe never get free from. 74, Whenever she was free from the brewing she hurried up to the bower to spin with the other women. 75, Nevertheless, the wording is not entirely free from ambiguity, and no doubt some officials decided to play it safe. 76, A problem with making recordings direct from electronic instruments is that they are totally free from any natural reverberation. 77, The point is a short one of statutory construction which appears to be free from authority. 78, So an elderly hulk was stationed in the Min river estuary as an interconnection at once secure and free from prying. 79, He ended up in a thorn bush where he finally managed to break free from his billowing parachute. 80, But yesterday the newspaper delivery man walked free from Wimbledon Court, South London, after being fined £200 for indecent exposure. 81, Make sure electric heaters are clean and free from dust before turning them on. 82, No one wanted to pay for music; the general feeling was that it should flow free from the celestial spheres. 83, In one patient the lesion was destroyed by hot biopsy forceps and further biopsy specimens were free from carcinoid infiltration. 84, The soil was tested to make sure that it was free from ammonia or any other nitrogen compound. 85, You must remember that no one lives a life free from pain and suffering.Sophocles 86, You can even get a hot meal free from the Red Cross, down at the inlet. 87, The best material is jet black, pure glass, free from bubbles or other imperfections. 88, The list can be prepared by hand, using your own notebook or a booklet available free from many insurance agents. 89, Minimum investment is £5,000, with income option enabling investors to take regular income free from a surrender penalty. 90, Ian shook himself free from his bunk, pulled on his flannels and swung himself up the companionway and on to the deck.