快好知 kuaihz

free from造句
181, How did I ever break free from that provincialism imposed by an academic elitist? 182, It is resistant to fire and water and free from corrosion, termite attack and rotting. 183, An elegant candlestick comes on the desk, place potted, put a beloved picture finally, the world of original log is OK also pattern 100, OK also so high-key free from vulgarity. 184, You can find them everywhere on our planet, they easily outnumber non-parasitic or "free living" lifeforms and almost nothing lives entirely free from their influence. 185, Free from the influence of ambient temperature, it is stable and reliable. 186, He was just set free from a dungeon a few days ago. 187, However, this does not mean that administrative agencies are free from political accountability. 188, Limpid, clear. Term applied to a wine free from suspended matter. 189, A story endocarp may or may not become free from the mesocarp. 190, Children in the intervention group remained free from infestation with head lice significantly longer than children in the control group. 191, Also check that the adjoining pipework is clean and free from debris and burrs. 192, Soft water is free from objectionable salts, and is preferable for household purposes. 193, It has flown free from the walls of Persepolis and now shines among new peoples on new continents. 194, Make me free from sin with hyssop: let me be washed whiter than snow. 195, Always position the signature in a clear area free from other text and graphics. 196, When bound by ties one is jiva , and when free from ties one is iva. 197, As for shortcomings, are we totally free from subjectivism or bureaucracy? 198, Free from the pollution of leprosy or other contagious disease. 199, The three basic risks are Free from Particular Average (F. P. A. )[http:///free from.html], With Particular Averaged (W. P. A. ) and All Risks (A. R. ). 200, He is utterly free from the least suspicion of effeminacy. 201, I would go through Hellfire if I could but get free from sin at last. 202, The plating process involves trivalent chrome passivation, and so is free from Cr 6. 203, She shook herself free from his hand and said, " Obnoxious! 204, Crisp and tender, well-salted, bright in colour, no putrefaction , free from admixture. 205, Legacies made to a registered charity are free from inheritance tax. 206, The overman is someone who is free from all the prejudices and moralities of human society, and who creates his own values and purpose. 207, Every 30 seconds the slave clock gave an electromagnetic impulse to, and was in turn regulated by, the master clock pendulum, which was thus nearly free from mechanical disturbances. 208, With low heating consumption and room temperature, free from noise, the burnt gas and dust, the clean, fresh kitchen environment ensures the users' health. 209, They were happy now that they were free from Uriah Heep and his mother. 210, You are free from any fault because of your carefulness.