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free from造句
121, They longed to break free from the yoke of Communism. 122, Extensive preparation of the gastrointestinal tract is required to ensure the bowel is free from faecal matter. 123, Over the years, buffalo has proven relatively free from disease, therefore antibiotics are rarely required. 124, Free from outdated rules regarding outdoor clothing and morals, the Lawrences certainly had a more lively manner. 125, Even from his perch in the hayloft, he can see that this hide will be free from cuts and nicks. 126, Settled land in Roman law was to a considerable degree free from the depredations of creditors. 127, He, and all the others, want to build a society free from oppression. 128, It would be idle to pretend that the Trust is wholly free from some of these faults; few organisations are. 129, Science may be obliged to find a new word free from religious associations. 130, A member is entitled to a judgment that is free from any extraneous or ulterior motive. 131, After developing his technique he was free from all his respiratory problems and they never bothered him again throughout his life. 132, I was ruining his chances of getting free from the chains of misery attaching him to a rotten banlieue de Paris. 133, For further information ask for leaflet Paying Electricity and Gas Bills which is available free from gas and electricity showrooms and offices. 134, The management of information systems in education is still not free from their chequered past. 135, Then, as though at some pre-arranged signal, both crabs wriggle free from their homes and exchange shells. 136, Its duties are performed without executive leave and, in the contemplation of the statute, must be free from executive control. 137, We owe our children – the most vulnerable citizens in any society – a life free from violence and fear.Nelson Mandela 138, Choice of bile acid - Ursodeoxycholic acid was chosen in preference to chenodeoxycholic acid because it is virtually free from side effects. 139, When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code. 140, By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage. 141, They do not control the entire market and are not free from the threat of entry from new firms or foreign competitors. 142, Shelly tried to wriggle free from him, but he held her firmly. 143, Of old the Hellenic race was marked off from the barbarian as more keen-witted and more free from non-sense. 144, That said, it's free from torque steer and is very accurate. 145, This is why you should be as free from emotional upset and involvement as possible when taking it. 146, However, industry needs about 1.5 million tonnes of pure ethanol, free from water, each year. 147, Sunflower and grapeseed varieties are light and therefore particularly good for frying, leaving food crisp and free from grease. 148, Ramsey was a former nonconformist who had not lost the idea that Churches must be free from entanglement with the State. 149, Lowering his denims to his knees, he winced as the blood soaked cloth pulled free from his wound. 150, Read in studio A nurse has walked free from an appeal court after a conviction for assaulting an elderly patient was quashed.