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271. For some parents, visualization, meditation, and relaxation breathing techniques help; other people prefer physical activity to reduce stress. 272. You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.Steve Maraboli 273. Walking will help you to sleep and is an antidote to stress, nervous tension and depression. 274. Importantly, prophylaxis against stress ulcers with H 2 antagonists and antacids has been implicated in abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the stomach. 275. Ringway One was an inner ring road running largely through working-class areas of housing stress. 276. While police continue their investigations into the allegations, council officials stress that the home won't close. 277. She went four more years without hospitalization, but the stress of academic life came crashing down once again. 278. The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.William James 279. We stress the evils of idleness and bad resource allocation which were relevant to efforts to increase output a century ago. 280. This helps stress the need to get the whole approach right if the landings are to be reasonably accurate. 281. She uses her tears as a natural antidote to tension and stress, which is one of their most important functions. 282. There is an evaluation of the Flesch Index, but mainly the analyses stress actual word usage rather than sentence construction perse. 283. Her long and anxious wait for breakfast had caused her so much stress, that she had developed colic and died. 284. Yes, it's all go on the rumour exchange and let me stress that these are but a few of the juiciest. 285. Full-back Tony Clement is also out after suffering a stress fracture of the right ankle and is replaced by Mike Rayer. 286. Factors such as stress and a poor diet can affect these hormone levels, worsening the symptoms. 287. Parsons did not substantially alter this view, and as a result lost the stress Freud had placed on conflict. 288. The conference also approved resolutions to cut class sizes and protect teachers from undue stress. 289. We increased the acoustic information by incorporating lexical stress into the representation.