快好知 kuaihz

151. She works off stress by running for at least half an hour every day. 152. Stress at work is a matter of concern to staff and management. 153. Physical stress caused by expansion and contraction can damage components within the computer. 154. People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress. 155. Stress at work was pinpointed as the cause of his illness. 156. He needs to have an operation for a stress fracture in his foot. 157. I feel quite tired today . With adjectives that describe an extreme state it means 'completely' or 'absolutely':I feel quite exhausted. With some adjectives, both meanings are possible. The speaker's stress and intonation will show you which is meant:Your essay is quite good ; Your essay is quite good . 158. Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative. 159. There is a lot of evidence that stress is partly responsible for disease. 160. In the word 'report', the stress falls on the second syllable. 161. Tiredness is one of the most common symptoms of stress. 162. Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow. 163. Stress is widely perceived as contributing to coronary heart disease. 164. Regular exercise can result in a general diminution in stress levels. 165. People under stress tend to actualize their own personal worth - the very aim of a human life. 166. It's easy to lose perspective on things when you are under stress. 167. She was at great pains to stress the advantages of the new system. 168. Ask for an extra compensation payment to make up for the stress you have been caused. 169. Typical of stress is this feeling of being continuously on the run. 170. When we are under stress our bodies tend to tense up. 171. They also stress the need for improved employment opportunities[http://], better transport and health care. 172. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. 173. Only then did she realize the stress he was under. 174. The points at which stress and anxiety emerge can be mapped. 175. You can't lump the symptoms together and blame them all on stress. 176. I must stress that we still know very little about this disease. 177. The stress of her job had brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown. 178. All the stress and extra travel is beginning to wear him down. 179. This relaxation technique can serve as an effective weapon against stress. 180. I must lay great stress on the need for secrecy.