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241. Other plants such as maize may be susceptible to chilling stress because they have an inadequate antioxidant defences. 242. An additional benefit is the relief of stress and tension. 243. The instructor should take every opportunity to stress the professional's advisory role. 244. We would here stress the importance of giving plenty of rests to the double basses. 245. If western critics can be said to have had a unifying credo, then this was the constant stress on artistic freedom. 246. Computerized detector modules translate those light shifts into stress units, providing advance notice of failure. 247. It is important at this stage to stress the unhealthy nature of avoidance. 248. The Rangers ace suffered a stress fracture of the right knee after a late tackle in the recent 1-1 draw at Broomfield. 249. Sufferers show greater signs of anxiety and stress, though whether this is cause or effect is disputed. 250. Once again I would stress that neither my client nor I have made any approach to the company apart from this letter. 251. The emphasis is on aromatherapy massage which is one of the finest techniques available for soothing the detrimental effects of stress. 252. Hemifacial spasm is not psychogenic as was commonly thought in the past, although it may be aggravated by emotional stress. 253. People try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, to improve athletic performance, or to escape from stress, anxiety or depression, but all drug addicts are willful victims themselves.Dr T.P.Chia 254. Streetwise Upper-Intermediate explores metaphors and proverbs; rhythm and stress; and the language of persuasion as used in advertising. 255. Adopted children and their biological parents may suffer stress long after the adoption. 4. 256. For some time it has been suspected that these voltages affect aquarium fish, causing stress and possibly disease. 257. The prevention of stress and anxiety has already been discussed in Chapter 3. 258. If you would like to reassess your life and learn how to use stress to your advantage, come along. 259. Another kind of stress is of a more abstract nature. 260. I try to avoid stress — it makes me feel like I'm rubber-stamping all my organs "Urgent!".Terri Guillemets 260.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 261. Even dry children may wet the bed under stress, like a change of school, a divorce or moving house. 262. We can only stress that no reputable antiques dealer would ever conduct business on a doorstep. 263. Her recently acquired aspirates gave way completely under the stress of emotion. 264. In a stress-relaxation experiment, the sample under study is deformed by a rapidly applied stress. 265. Place more stress on ensuring that students achieve high academic standards. 266. Rips of the quadriceps tendon are a fact of life among professional athletes who stress the tendon during jumping and running. 267. Some of its theories stress the role of local processes, whilst others analyse national structures. 268. His supporters stress the sentimental and entertainment value of seeing him take the baton one more time. 269. The equality of shares is not immediately apparent to young children and experiences to stress this need to be provided. 270. The dashpot is used to denote the retarded nature of the response of a material to any applied stress.