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You better get yourself a ride ,and you got to take your time, for whom those stormy clouds slowly passed her by. With the bitter taste, the tear drops in your eyes. And I know it s so hard for you to say goodbye, since you grew up in it s arms and blew off your mind. And for all the bittersweet moments that you can never left behind. When you re lonely, there s no one around, you needed someone When you re lonely, there s no one around, you needed someone to look you in the eyes. If it takes me over to stay by your side, Yes I ll be waiting till the end of the time. Remember the trees and grass that belong to us, and also the sky and the stars. Can t you see, all of them were waiting for us, they used to wait just for us. I loved to see you in bloom, but you liked to see me in blue. You broke our mirrors and our violent home. And you would never know how a heart turns into a stone. When y