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Step 1: click the button with square pattern in the upper right corner of the page, click "buy and sell online" in the drop-down page, click "create shop free" at the bottom of the page, and then enter the page of registering the seller"s account of tokopedia, as shown below:

Fill in the name, mobile phone number, email and set the login password in turn.

Users can also log in with facebook accounts, Google accounts and Yahoo accounts

Step 2: after confirming the account registered in step 1, click "open store" in the upper left corner of the page or click the store logo in the upper right corner of the page to display "open store" in the drop-down

Step 3: improve store data and information, such as:

-Set domain name

-Improve store information (store name, store slogan, store description)

-Transportation option settings

-Payment part settings

-Store upload picture

Finally, click "open store" again

Tokopedia store opening process – upload products

How do sellers upload products after tokopedia store registration is successful? The operation process is as follows:

Step 1: click the store logo in the upper right corner of the page or select "add product" under the "my store" menu on the left side of the page

Step 2: fill in complete and correct product information. The main contents include:

Product name

Product description

Product weight

product price

Product picture

After that, click "save" or "save & add new" to continue adding products.

Tokopedia store opening process – receiving and processing orders

After the product is uploaded, the buyer can patronize the store and place an order. Where can I view store orders? How should the seller handle the order?

Step 1: the seller can click "sales" in the menu bar of "my store" to see the new order. Alternatively, the seller can click the "inbox" icon at the top right of the page, and then click "new order" to view the new order.

Step 2: process the order. On the order column page, check the order that the seller wants to process, and then click "order response" to reply to the order. If the seller feels that the order cannot be delivered due to logistics or other reasons, the seller can click "reject order" to discard the order and give the reasons for discarding the order below.

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