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1. Remedial action must be taken now. 2. He is already walking normally and doing remedial exercises. 3. The building needs urgent remedial work to make it safe. 4. Some authorities are now having to take remedial action. 5. She is a teacher of remedial English. 6. The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make It'safe. 7. The bill requires owners to undertake remedial work on dilapidated buildings. 8. Some remedial work needs to be done on the foundations. 9. She teaches remedial English. 10. The poorly designed bridge needs remedial work to make it safe. 11. Yet despite remedial chemotherapy and amputation the syndrome continued. 12. Their placement in a remedial course confirmed their suspicions. 13. The semantic net of remedial was expanding and expanding. 14. I did not learn much about remedial therapists but this may reflect the state of knowledge rather than any criticism of the author. 15. We must complete full investigations prior to commencing remedial repairs. 16. For this reason, beyond a certain stage, any remedial measure to counteract gravity becomes self-defeating. 17. Some run efficient remedial courses, which could surely be used for youngsters who had taken a broader sixth-form course. 18. If remedial action is not forthcoming we would cease trading with them. 19. It is ideal for planning remedial work and helps identify which grammatical areas should be worked on. 20. Pressure is already developing, especially in the unions, for remedial action. 21. The 1970s saw the beginning of serious attempts to develop remedial services in local authorities. 22. This enables predictions of ozone formation at a particular location to be made and allows local authorities to take remedial action. 23. But members of the review team claimed that the remedial measures ignored or misrepresented their main findings. 24. About one quarter of entering college students now take at least one remedial course. 25. After a careful diagnosis he is able to prescribe intelligently the best remedial or corrective measures. 26. An even more important distinction is the fact that the remedial work is expressive rather than productive. 27. Remediation solutions Bioremediation is currently attracting a lot of attention as a remedial technique. 28. She enrolled at a Colorado community college and discovered how inadequate her education had been when she tested at the remedial level. 29. What Valverde and Nadelstern are proposing is a new model for higher education-the remedial college. 30. In the spring they would move up one rung on the remedial ladder.