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Generally, after the buyer confirms the receipt, the payment of the transaction will be directly transferred from Jim king to the seller"s Jim King balance account. If the buyer still does not confirm the receipt three days after the platform confirms the delivery of the package to the buyer, tokopedia will judge that the order is completed and transfer the money directly to the seller"s Jim King balance account.

So how to operate the collection? Here are the detailed operation steps:

After the transaction is completed, the transaction money will be deposited in Jim King balance account. To withdraw the money from Jim King balance account, the seller needs to click "balance" under the user name.

On the balance details page, the seller can see the running account statement of Jim King balance and click "withdraw funds" to withdraw cash.

Enter the relevant correct information, and then click the "confirm" button. The main information includes:

Withdrawal amount

Withdrawal to account No

Jim King account password

OTP verification code (the OTP verification code needs to be submitted when the withdrawal to account is added for the first time)

OTP (one time password) one-time verification code, which can be received by the seller through SMS or email.

After the withdrawal is successfully received, the seller will be notified of the success of Jim King"s operation.

The Jim king platform sets a wide range of conditions for sellers to enter and open stores, without entry fee and platform Commission. At the same time, as the largest C2C e-commerce platform in Indonesia, with huge traffic and market, it can be said that Jim king has huge business opportunities just like Taobao in 2008. If you also want to try the Southeast Asian market or you have opened stores to sell products on platforms such as lazada, why not give yourself another choice. Jim King"s entry is free and free of commission. 

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