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4 Ways To Not Let the Haters Get You Down



Moving into the spotlight takes courage. You raise your head above others, and sometimes people will want to knock you back down.

A famous Aristotle quote says: “Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”

While we all want to be loved, not everyone is going to love you.

Whether it’s because you’ve published a book, got that great new job, your business is going well or are establishing a name for yourself, some people will always be critical or negative.

And for those who have just started to stand into the spotlight, this type of negative feedback can be confronting and distressing. The trick is to not the haters get to you.

So how do you deal with the haters?

Not all criticism is bad

At times criticism leads to positive outcomes. It opens you up to new perspectives and highlights issues that can be improved. Sometimes this isn’t easy, but you can grow from it if you allow yourself to.

Feel the love

Delete those nasty emails! Don’t keep them in your inbox. Instead keep the positive ones and feel the love and positive energy from those you are supporting your journey. Come back to them at time and use them to boost my confidence and reconnect to the reason why are stepping forward.

Live in kindness

Practicing kindness is transformational and beautiful. The kindness you offer yourself and others can transform a situation (and your life). This also allows for forgiveness, so you don’t carry the stress and negative energy around from your haters.

Don’t give away your power

Sometimes you just need to say “Screw you” – very loudly! Use the hate to drive you forward. Don’t allow cruelty or negative comments bring you down. Go out there and make it happen and seize your dreams. Believe in yourself.

搜索建议:Haters  Haters词条  Ways  Ways词条  Down  Down词条  Not  Not词条  Let  Let词条  


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