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来源 | MacArthur Foundation

根据ImpactAlpha报道,为应对全球气候变化的挑战,至少有26亿美元的影响力投资投向热带雨林的保育项目,并使得可持续农业和森林周边社区受益。本文介绍的Terra Silva是其中一个具有代表性的母基金,由大卫及露西·帕卡德基金会(The David and Lucile Packard Foundation)和麦克阿瑟基金会(MacArthur Foundation)2019年10月启动。



大卫及露西·帕卡德基金会麦克阿瑟基金会2019年宣布启动Terra Silva项目,这是一个9000万美元的影响力投资合作项目,旨在应对全球气候变化的巨大挑战。







Terra Silva将把投资重点放在全球重要热带森林的保护、恢复和可持续管理上。



“森林目前是唯一被证明具有大规模减碳效果的解决方案。” 帕卡德基金会的投资总监苏珊·菲尼·西尔弗(Susan Phinney Silver)说,“鉴于气候变化的紧迫性,我们致力于以新的方式利用使命投资来扩大和加速像Terra Silva这样的项目,以尽快减少温室气体。”


Terra Silva是在市场上开展可持续林业和相关农业实践的关键时刻发起的。它集中于三个目标:加速热带森林地区的育林、保护和造林;在关键的热带森林中大规模建立环境和社会领域更可持续的森林管理方式;提高新兴气候智能型林业和农业实践的可持续性。



通过这些方式,Terra Silva将调动私人资金来保护和恢复热带森林,促进生物多样性,并支持全球重要热带森林及其周边地区的社区繁荣。



Terra Silva项目的最终目标是通过开创新的投资模式、加快其采用并帮助建设气候智能型林业的市场基础设施,显著扩大可持续林业和农业的商业投资机会。



Terra Silva 将以帕卡德基金会麦克阿瑟基金会以及另一家以使命为导向的投资机构的形式,吸收催化资本(即耐心、风险承受能力强、优惠且灵活的投资资本) ,以释放影响力投资和额外投资,否则这些投资是不可能实现的。



帕卡德基金会对Terra Silva的使命投资是基金会对大规模投资和建设气候解决方案的坚定承诺的一部分。自2010年以来,帕卡德基金会已经批准了8000多万美元用于气候智能解决方案和创新型使命投资。



作为催化资本联盟(Catalytic Capital Consortium)的一分子,麦克阿瑟基金会向Terra Silva提供贷款。



催化资本联盟是2019年麦克阿瑟基金会与欧米迪亚网络(Omidyar Network)和洛克菲勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)合作发起的一项投资、学习和市场开发计划。为了推进该倡议的目标,麦克阿瑟基金会将在对等基础上投资高达1.5亿美元,以支持在不同部门和地区展示催化资本力量的基金或中介机构。




“我们的目标是为那些希望利用催化资本帮助激发社会企业投资潜力的投资者提供信息、信心和赋能,”麦克阿瑟基金会社会企业投资董事总经理黛布拉·施瓦茨(Debra Schwartz)表示,“麦克阿瑟基金会很荣幸也很高兴能与帕卡德基金会在这一全新的投资伙伴关系中合作。通过为可持续林业解决方案提供燃料,Terra Silva将创造直接的积极环境和社会影响,并帮助建立一个对应对气候变化至关重要的市场。”



$90 Million Fund To Address Global Climate Change Through Catalytic Capital

MacArthur Foundation

October 23, 2019



The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and MacArthur today announced the launch of Terra Silva, a $90 million impact investing collaborative designed to respond to the challenges of global climate change. Terra Silva will make investments focused on the conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of critical tropical forests worldwide.


“Forests currently provide the only proven carbon-negative solution at scale,” said Susan Phinney Silver, Mission Investing Director at the Packard Foundation. “Given the urgency of climate change, we are committed to using mission investments in new ways to amplify and accelerate efforts like Terra Silva to reduce greenhouse gases as fast as possible.”


Terra Silva is launching at a pivotal time for sustainable forestry and related agriculture practices in the market. It will focus on three targets: accelerating reforestation, conservation, and afforestation in tropical forest regions; creating more environmentally and socially sustainable forest management practices at scale within critical tropical forests; and improving the sustainability of emerging climate-smart forestry and agriculture practices. In these ways, Terra Silva will mobilize private financing to conserve and restore tropical forests, promote biodiversity, and support thriving communities in and around critical tropical forests worldwide.


The ultimate goal of Terra Silva is to significantly expand opportunities for commercial investment in sustainable forestry and agriculture by pioneering new investment models, accelerating their adoption, and helping build market infrastructure for climate-smart forestry.


Terra Silva will incorporate catalytic capital—investment capital that is patient, risk-tolerant, concessionary, and flexible in order to unlock impact and additional investment that would not otherwise be possible—in the form of an investment vehicle financed by the Packard Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and another mission-driven investor.


The Packard Foundation’s mission investment to Terra Silva is part of the Foundation’s deep commitment to invest in and build climate solutions at scale. Since 2010, the Packard Foundation has approved over $80 million in mission investments for climate-smart solutions and innovations.


MacArthur is making its loan to Terra Silva as part of the Catalytic Capital Consortium, an investment, learning, and market development initiative launched earlier this year in collaboration with the Omidyar Network and The Rockefeller Foundation. To advance the goals of the initiative, MacArthur is investing up to $150 million on a matching basis to support funds or intermediaries that demonstrate the power of catalytic capital across diverse sectors and regions. Additional investments are being sourced through an invitational proposal process and should be announced in the first half of 2020.


“Our goal is to inform, inspire, and empower investors who want to use catalytic capital to help realize the full potential of impact investing,” said Debra Schwartz, Managing Director of Impact Investments for MacArthur. “MacArthur is honored and excited to collaborate with the Packard Foundation in this new investment partnership. By fueling sustainable forestry solutions, Terra Silva will create immediate positive environmental and social impact and help build a market that is vital to fighting climate change.”



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